Janice, 50yrs. Australia. Breast reduction with lift

Breast Reduction Sri Lanka

Breast Reduction Breast Lift SRI LANKA

You really look amazing!!
This 50 year old Australian woman was unhappy with her large breasts and was very happy with her natural looking lifted results. Yet another satisfied client with the plastic surgeon’s body contouring skills here in Sri Lanka. 
The plastic surgeon performed one of his favourite surgeries, a breast reduction and added small silicone implants to give more fullness to the overall lifted shape.  

B R E A S T surgery can rejuvenate your figure and give you a breast shape which is more youthful and uplifted.

Are you in discomfort due to overly large breasts ? 

Discover how breast reduction can help. 

Be sure to do your homework and choose a
Licensed plastic surgeon. 

B E A U T I F U L B R E A S T S starts here: 📧Hello@cosmeticsurgerysrilanka.com

🙏Thank you to our client for sharing before and after treatment photos 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

❕⚠️Picture not to be used elsewhere⚠️❕

Author: Cosmetic Surgery

I worked in Sri Lanka for Apollo Hospitals Colombo (now Lanka Hospitals Colombo), as the head of the International patient centre's cosmetic clinic in 2007. We saw amazing success over the last decade with clients from all over the world coming for low cost, high quality cosmetic surgery by highly skilled plastic surgeons. Sri Lanka has so much to offer, fantastic hotels, endless beaches and lots of sunshine! Medical treatment is world class and cosmetic surgery results do not disappoint. Rhinoplasty, breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction with lift. Ultimate make overs, Tummy Tucks and Liposculpture. Brazilian butt lift. Facial rejuvenation surgery or liquid facelifts using non-surgical treatments dermal fillers and BOTOX. Giving ladies their bodies back and feeling good about themselves, whilst always taking care to be supportive so all steps are taken to make sure the treatments are in the best interest of our clients is paramount to consistent results. Men are also keen to have Nose surgery and liposculpture and we are seeing more men also having cosmetic treatments than ever before. I started this site as a blog and here to help anyone considering getting some work done in Sri Lanka.