Buttock Enlargement – Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift Sri Lanka

Have you long wanted bigger and shapelier buttocks? Have you tried gaining weight, losing weight, and every exercise available to try to get the buttocks you desire, only to find that nothing works? The buttocks are a very difficult area to shape on your own, but buttock augmentation (also called Male Gluteal Augmentation) is a procedure with a very high success rate that is becoming more and more popular.

A Brazilian butt lift gives your body a curvaceous shape by adding fat to the right places in your butt. Not only that, but the fat is taken from areas on your body where you currently have too much fat that you want to get rid of.  After the Brazilian butt lift procedure, the buttocks appear natural and full.

If you would like to learn about surgical buttock augmentation and how it can help you get the figure you desire, you can request a review from our plastic surgeons.

Buttock Augmentation or Brazilian Butt Lift?

It can be very hard to reshape the buttocks with diet and exercise, but they are very important to the appearance of a man’s body.  Properly proportioned buttocks can also help convey a more youthful, healthy appearance.

Now, more men are asking for a more rounded, firmly-shaped rear end.  Some men feel as though their butt is simply too flat, small or disproportioned to the rest of the body or they are unhappy with the way their butt looks in slacks or jeans and want to better fit in clothing.

As a result, buttock augmentation has grown in popularity in recent years.

If you are considering buttock enhancement, it is important to understand the distinction between the two most commonly performed types of the procedure:

  • Buttock augmentation with implants
  • Buttock augmentation with fat grafting

In buttock augmentation with implants, solid silicone implants are usually inserted within the buttocks, under the muscle. Although this procedure is an alternative for those who have little or no fat to be used for augmentation, it is not our preferred method for most cases. If one lacks sufficient fat, then we encourage the patient to gain weight to be able to undergo fat transplantation. Buttock augmentation with implants requires a longer healing time (about 4-6 weeks before full return to normal activities), patients experience prolonged pain, and the implant may be rejected by the body or displaced by the action of the muscles. There is also a possible higher incidence of infection and doesn’t feel natural.

Buttock augmentation using fat transfer is a much preferred and more popular method for buttock enhancement. The technique has evolved in the past few years allowing for improved and better results.

First, liposuction is used to remove fat from donor sites, which leads to additional body contouring. The fat is then processed and injected into the buttocks in very small injections uniformly through the area to be augmented.

First, liposuction is used to remove fat from donor sites, which leads to additional body contouring. The fat is then processed and injected into the buttocks in very small injections uniformly through the area to be augmented.

This procedure has several advantages, including:

  • A more natural appearance and feel
  • No foreign object in your body
  • No chance of rejection
  • Smaller incisions, which means less scarring
  • Shorter healing time
  • Body sculpting of donor areas
  • Low incidence of infection

But it’s important to be aware that in about 30% of the patients a second grafting may be necessary. Please request a guide for more details about the procedure and risks of surgery.

Read our client’s story about her BBL 

Client:  Danni
Country: Australia (JAN 2018)
Cosmetic Surgery / Treatments:  Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) & Lip Fat Transfer
Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Sri Lanka buttocks Cosmetic surgery
Colombo Curve Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery Sri Lanka

Read our client’s story about her BBL  to change the shape of her buttocks in Sri Lanka

Request more details and a review from our registered and licensed plastic surgeons.


E: hello@cosmeticsurgerysrilanka.com