Face procedures


Our surgeons have expert techniques to freshen up your look with eye lid or eye bag removal surgery or perhaps to  streamline your neck with submental Liposuction  or a neck lift to give a more defined jawline, even beautiful facelift.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures and the result it brings can be life changing.

For a more  striking chin (or v-shaped) and higher cheek bones to balance the face chin and cheek implants can add harmony to the features of your face.

Our ears naturally stand away from the side of the head but some people’s ears stick out more than others. Prominent ears (bat ears or jug ears) can run in families but are not linked with any medical conditions and have no effect on hearing ability. However, some people prefer to have prominent ears  corrected in an operation called pinnaplasty, also known as otoplasty.


Facelift ( Sagging jowls, deeper wrinkles)



As you age, your face may begin to lose some of its volume and the skin may begin to sag. Because the effects of age and genetics can dramatically impact your face, facelifts are one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery treatments offered by the plastic surgeons. During this procedure, the plastic surgeon will tighten the underlying muscle structure of your face and remove any excess skin tissue. He may also perform a fat transfer in specific areas to create a more contoured, youthful face. Dr Dulip offer the 3D volumetric face-lift which lifts and adds back youthful volume.

Eye lids ( Hooded eye lids or eye bags)


Drooping eyelids can cause puffiness, and a sad, angry, or tired appearance. In some cases, severely sagging eyelids can even obstruct your vision. Both upper and lower blepharoplasty are possible to remove excess tissue and fat, giving you a younger, more alert look. To perform the procedure, the plastic creates precise incisions in the fold of your eyelid or under the lash line, resulting in nearly almost undetectable scarring. Blepharoplasty involves minimal recovery time, and the results can be long-lasting.


Nose surgery (Dorsal hump reduction, refine tip)

Nose Surgery

Nose shaping – Rhinoplasty

If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your nose, it can have an enormous impact on your sense of confidence. During a rhinoplasty, Dr. Castillo can reduce the length or width of your nose. He can even alter the shape of your nose with grafts or tissue removal. Dr. Castillo offers both open and closed a rhinoplasty, and will provide a comprehensive consultation to help you choose the best procedure for your needs.

Chin or Cheek Augmentation

If you lack fullness in your face because of age or genetic factors, your sunken cheeks can make you appear gaunt, weak, or older than you are. While many aesthetic surgeons use implants to add fullness to their patients’ faces, Dr Dulip employs fat grafting, using fat from the patient’s own body to restore healthy volume to the face. Unlike implants, fat grafting does not require facial incisions and results in a more natural look.


Ear surgery

Ear surgery (Otoplasty)

If you or your child have protruding, unusually large, or oddly shaped ears, it can cause self-consciousness. During otoplasty or ear pinning, the plastic will remodel and relocate cartilage and secure the ear so that it lies flatter against the head. Otoplasty is typically performed on children, but the procedure can greatly benefit adults, as well.

BotoxFillers and laser resurfacing (Co2).

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