Neck lift

In most people, the neck is the first place that shows one’s age.

These first signs of aging in the neck may appear as loose or sagging skin under the chin and jaw. In some, neck bands or a “turkey neck” begin to form. As the aging process continues, sagging of the neck can hide the definition of the jawline. In addition, fat depositions underneath the chin can grow and lead to a double, or triple chin.

Neck lift surgery addresses the neck and undersurface of the chin. There are several techniques used to correct these problem areas in the neck, depending on the patient’s individual goals and desires.

These include removing fat and skin from the neck as well as tightening the underlying neck muscles. Incisions are placed around the earlobe, in the hair and under the skin.

Like any procedure a neck lift is a big decision your surgeon will take care to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice.


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If you feel that surgery is not yet required then from late 30’s and 40’s a Non-surgical facelift is an attractive opton.

Best of those who are seeking facial rejuvenation without the time and expense of invasive facial surgery, the non-surgical facelift or commonly deemedliquid facelift is an excellent and highly effective alternative. Through the careful and delicate art of injecting dermal fillers, Dr. Dulip and Dr. Thushan can take years off your face, creating a beautifully refreshed and youthful appearance.

Over time, through a series of highly effective and safe injections the plastic surgeons will gradually and gracefully lift, smooth out wrinkles and lines and add volume to targeted areas of the face, creating that ‘plump’ more youthful appearance you once had.

The non-surgical facelift is virtually painless with no downtime. Some patients experience mild discomfort or swelling for the first 24 hours, which can be alleviated with resting and ice packs or cold compresses applied to the injection sites. Dermal fillers can last for 18 months, but this varies depending on the individual.

With many years of experience in facial plastic surgery and having delivered some of the best non-surgical facelifts Colombo has available, Dr. Dulip looks forward to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals. If you are unhappy with the signs of aging and are looking for a less invasive approach, the non-surgical facelift may be just the procedure you are looking for.


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