Breast Augmentation or Enlargement – Silicone Implants or fat transfer

Beautiful Breasts. Sri Lanka Procedures: Breast Lift, Breast Reduction with lift, Uneven breast, Dr Thushan Dr Dulip

Breast enlargement surgery also known as breast augmentation, breast enhancement or just a ‘boob job‘ is extremely popular among a wide age range of women and has long been one of the most requested cosmetic surgery procedures.

Many women choose to have breast surgery to increase their breast size or to give a fuller shape. Some women are seeking a larger cup size either following pregnancy or weight loss, not having fully developed to their desired size during puberty or suffer from asymmetry of their breasts.  All of the above can affect a person’s confidence and feeling feminine which can be restored with a breast enhancement procedure.

Breast enlargement is one of the most popular procedures and it has one of the highest satisfaction rates.  The procedure itself only takes  about a 1-2  hours under General anaesthetic and an over night stay in hospital is usually required.

The breast implants are inserted through a small incision made in the natural crease of the breast sealed with dissolvable stitches, some women opt for incision through the areola or under the armpit. The surgeon will give their opinion for  the pro’s and con’s of the 3 implant incisions along with the best position and shape for your implant ( round or anatomical implants), only the highest quality silicone breast implants that abide by strict regulations and quality standards are used.

Following a breast augmentation or enlargement 1 week is advised off work, but this can vary given the nature of your job role.

Fat Transfer to Breast 

Fat transfer to breast is an alternative for those that do not want silicon implants and want to use their own fat, whereby fat is harvested with liposuction and then injected to to the breast to increase volume. This has its down side in that not all of the fat survives, but gives an alternative to some women that prefer to increase their cup size with their own fat tissue.

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