Our surgeons have expert techniques to freshen up your look with eyelid or eye bag removal surgery or perhaps to  streamline your neck with Liposuction or a neck lift to give a more defined jawline, even a facelift.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is one of the most popular male procedures and the result it brings can be life changing.

For a more masculine and balanced face chin and cheek implants can add balance and harmony to the features of your face.

Our ears naturally stand away from the side of the head but some people’s ears stick out more than others. Prominent ears (bat ears or jug ears) can run in families but are not linked with any medical conditions and have no effect on hearing ability. However, some people prefer to have prominent ears  corrected in an operation called pinnaplasty, also known as otoplasty.

Eyelids  – eye bags


Nose surgery 

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